BUILDING AND SITE DESIGNThe philosophy of the studio is to provide comprehensive services that include design, design development, construction documents and construction administration services to our clients. Our belief is that all good design work springs from understanding and appreciation of the building context. This context can be urban, rural, waterfront, mountain or prairie. The success of any building is rooted in anchoring the building to its ground plane and providing a sensitivity to its surrounding. The magic and the discipline of our work is in finding and strengthening the relationships of the building to its surrounding. The building, and all of its ancillary parts will function best if they become part of the site. Successful architecture, by its nature will work to improve the conditions it is given. Where there are views, it works to focus the view. Where there are privacy issues, it works to disguise them. Equally, there are space relationships inside buildings. Some spaces are private by their nature; others are public. It is our job as architects to push and pull the limits of these relationships to provide the best arrangement of the spaces as they relate to each other, and as they relate to the physical context of the site and its surrounding conditions. Architecture, by its definition cannot be singularly about the building shell; about what it looks like from the exterior. Architectural solutions rely on successful design of its interior spaces, and their supporting materials first. It is only then that walls and envelope can be wrapped around them. It is true to say that good archtecture, successful architecture is designed from the inside out.
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