Architect Alvar Aalto
Location Munkkiniemi, Helsinki, Finland map
Date 1954 to 1956 timeline
Building Type - architecture office
Construction System- masonry
Climate - cold
Context - suburban
Style - Modern
Notes -The two studio form an ell shape, which arcs around outdoor amphitheater.
"Situated on a corner site in one of the suburbs of Helsinki, Aalto's office resembles more a villa than the conventional image of an architect's working space. This impression is deepened by the 'garden side', where Aalto formalizes the contours to create a space which spatially and formally resembles an amphitheater..."
"Because of the thoroughly collegial relationship between Aalto and his associates, all academically trained architects, this office has been designed 'as if for a family'. . . The office consists of two large drafting rooms each with its own reception areas, archives and conference rooms. Neither of the two drafting rooms has special rooms or predominance over the other. They therefore can be used interchangeably for larger or smaller projects. The building has no windows on the street side and is very well insulated from exterior disturbances. For this reason it opens onto a garden surrounded by an open amphitheater— available to all associates for lectures, good fellowship and recreation."
I cant upload the images.becoz of some html I will put as early as soon..umang bhavsar